Here’s to 2019!

Hello, friends! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! Is it just me, or did the holidays seem to go by in a whirlwind?! And now, just like that, here we are in 2019. I always look forward to new beginnings in the new year. Do you set goals and resolutions for yourself? In years past, I set goals and resolutions that (honestly) were unrealistic. I had very high expectations of making things happen, and at the end of the day, they didn’t happen…and at the end of the year, they still had not happened. I felt disappointed (and somewhat like a failure) that I had not been able to achieve what I set out to do.

This year, I’ve decided to take a little different approach. I’ve set very realistic goals for myself, and instead of diving in head first, I’m working towards the goals little by little, day by day. 

Although this isn’t all of them, I thought I would share a few of my goals/resolutions with you!

#1 – Read the Bible through

Although I have read the Bible through before, I like to make it a goal to read it through each year. (This is something important to me personally, as a Christian.) I normally read a physical copy of a one-year Bible; however, I decided to change things up a bit this year. I’m using a Bible app on my phone, called YouVersion. This particular app has a one year plan, as well as other devotional studies. So far, it has worked out wonderfully! It has each day marked with the books and chapters you should read in order to complete the Bible in a year. It checks off each day after you have read the designated reading, and it also allows you to invite others to join in the reading plan with you, which I really love!! This is my first year to have others participate with me in a group, and it not only has helped me to stay motivated to read, but I love having interactive comments at the end with those in my group!

#2 – Unplug

As my kids get older, I feel the need to unplug more and more. These precious childhood years, I will never get back. They grow up so quickly!! I want to savor and enjoy each and every moment with them…I don’t want to miss seeing excitement in their little eyes as they tell me about a special part of their day, or miss watching their smiling faces as they proudly bring me a flower that they have picked for me, etc because I’m too consumed with a screen in front of me. It’s not worth it! My resolution is to unplug more. Sure, I will still be involved with my blog and social media as usual…but I really want to make more of a conscious effort to be present in their presence!

#3 – Meal Planning

I have used the meal planning method for the last couple of years, and it makes my life so much easier when it comes to buying groceries!! I have walked into the store many times not having a clue what I was going to cook for dinner, and I then I would walk out with way more than what I needed to buy! Has this happened to any of you, or am I the only one?!  So, a couple of years ago, I made a list of 31 meals that I can use for each month. (This includes our family nights where we eat out, etc.) This way, I will cook each meal only one time a month, instead of scrambling around and cooking the same dish two weeks in a row! This year, I downloaded the MealTastic app, and from what little I have used it, it’s a great way of organizing your monthly meals! I haven’t uploaded all of my meals, but this is just to give you an idea of what our meals from a Tuesday-Monday looks like! I also like to write our meals down in my physical planner; however, this is a nice option to have on the go!

#4 – Cleaning Schedule 101

As much as I love a clean house, I will be the first one to admit, that my house isn’t always spotless, in fact, you would be lucky to find it that way!! (We do live here!) Ha! I’ve found that a schedule helps me to stay on top of everything, so I’ve decided to give a cleaning schedule a shot this year. I recently started following Clean Mama on Instagram. She has the best cleaning guides and schedules, and they are so simple and easy to follow!! This is what the cleaning schedule looks like for January. Go follow her on Instagram for schedules, and lots more! Here’s to decluttering and living in a cleaner house!

#5 – Do more of what makes you happy!

Do what makes you happy! For me, it’s really the simple things such as…

Lighting a candle, drinking a cup of coffee, spending time with family and friends, playing board games, going on date nights, watching a good movie, taking lots of pictures, embracing the moment, ordering take-out, and always taking the scenic route! I want to do more of all of this in 2019!

These are just SOME of the goals/resolutions that I have set for myself this year. Little things like having a clean house, or knowing what I’m going to cook all week long can make such a big difference!

Little by little, day by day…this is surely destined to go a long way.

I would love to hear what some of your goals  and resolutions are!


2 thoughts on “Here’s to 2019!

  1. It looks like prioritization and organization! The meal prep plan is golden! I found that success lies in our daily habits! Rock on ROckstar!

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